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By now, you’ve probably already heard about CBD. It’s been heralded as one of the most important health supplements of the decade.

For a while, CBD was the king — but now there are dozens of hemp-derived cannabinoids touted as the “next best thing.” Delta 10 THC is one of these molecules.

Here, we’ll explore what makes delta 10 THC and CBD similar and what makes them different. We’ll also cover why you may want to consider taking both together.


Delta 10 CBD
Benefits Provides energy and focus Promotes relaxation and comfort; supports overall health
Side Effects Dry mouth, increased appetite, red eyes, a “high” Dry mouth, lethargy, diarrhea, reduced appetite
Dose 10-50 mg per dose 20-40mg per dose
Legality Federally legal, legal in most states if hemp-derived Federally legal, legal in most states if hemp-derived
Psychoactive? Yes, mildly No
Consumption Methods Tinctures, gummies, vape Tinctures, extracts, capsules, flower, gummies, vape
Will I Fail a Drug Test? Probably No, as long as it has legal amounts of THC


There’s a lot of talk these days about stacking delta 10 with CBD products — and there are some good reasons for this.

The main reason is that delta 10 is a slightly more energetic cannabinoid than conventional THC. This makes it a great supplement for use during the day, while at work or university, or before a gym sesh.

The problem is that this energizing action can take higher doses of delta 10 a little bit anxiety-inducing.

If you’ve ever had too much marijuana or THC, you’ll probably be familiar with this feeling. Your heart beats faster, you may experience sweaty palms, and you feel uncomfortable about social situations.

The reason so many people take CBD with their delta 10 is because of its relaxing effect. CBD seems to tether the delta 10 users down to Earth. You feel all the energetic benefits but without the anxiety or tension.

Because of how similar the doses are between delta 10 and CBD, most people take a 1:1 equivalent. For every mg of delta 10, they’ll use roughly 1 mg of CBD along with it.

This isn’t an exact science. If you’re using delta 10 as a vape, and have some CBD oil kicking around, the general idea is to take a dose of CBD just before or just after you start hitting the vape pen (or vice versa).


Delta 10 THC, like delta 8 THC, is an isomer of delta 9 THC (or THC). These compounds have the same chemical makeup but with different arrangements. Because of this, their effects are unique enough to make them distinct yet still close enough to be familiar.

Cannabis naturally produces all three but in varying amounts. Marijuana contains much higher amounts of THC than hemp (legally, hemp has to contain less than 0.3%), while delta 8 and delta 10 are byproducts and occur in minuscule amounts.

These amounts are so small that their extraction requires a special process; otherwise, there would never be enough to go around.

For efficiency, CBD is extracted from hemp; then chemicals are added to facilitate a specific type of reaction called “isomerization.”

Sometimes there are some pretty harsh chemicals used to produce this reaction. In order to be safe to use, these chemicals have to be entirely removed from the final product — the main reason it’s so important to make sure they’re third-party tested.


Delta 10 is psychoactive but far less potent than delta 9 and even milder than delta 8. Its energizing effects make it popular for people who want to get high but also have shit to do; the experience is often reported to feel very “creative and energetic.”

It’s comparable to Sativa strains like Sour Diesel, while delta 8 is reminiscent of Indica strains; CBD isn’t psychoactive at all but has calming effects like Indicas.

Learn More: Delta 8 THC vs. Delta 10 THC: What Are the Key Differences?


Hemp Leaves with CBD Chemical Formula

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the most abundant cannabinoids in cannabis, falling alongside delta 9 THC and CBN.

As such, it has much more research backing the mighty (and justified) claims of its users, whereas other cannabinoid research is still in its infancy.

Of course, that’s not saying much — CBD still isn’t FDA-approved and has a lot of hurdles to overcome. However, it won a significant victory when the FDA approved Epidolex, a prescription drug with CBD used in treating rare forms of epilepsy.

For now, people rely on limited knowledge and anecdotal evidence when deciding how to use it. Despite its safety profile, some states require a medical card for CBD or have other restrictions overseeing its use, but for the most part, it’s easily accessible.

It’s much easier to find than delta 10, partly because CBD extraction is less complicated than it is for other cannabinoids. Manufacturers usually use an alcohol solution or supercritical CO2 extraction to pull it out of hemp plants.

This end product usually needs further refining if the goal is to get a CBD Isolate. Otherwise, other cannabinoids are left in the end product, creating full-spectrum (contains other cannabinoids) or broad-spectrum (everything but THC) extracts.


Legally, CBD has to be extracted from hemp (less than 0.3% THC). Most CBD products don’t have any remaining THC, but even full-spectrum has such minimal amounts that you won’t feel any psychoactive effects.

Instead, CBD tends to have relaxing, calming effects that are mainly focused on the body. Your muscles feel relaxed, and the mind feels calm.

Many people use it to reduce discomfort and stress at the end of a long day or when they’re feeling anxious.


Hemp Plants

It wasn’t until the mid-90’s that researchers discovered an intricate system of receptors, hormones, and enzymes that make up the “endocannabinoid system” (or the ECS).

Both CBD and delta 10 THC work through the ECS, but in very different ways.

The ECS is responsible for maintaining homeostasis or “balance” in the body and plays a part in almost all aspects of health.

Some of the many roles of the ECS includes: 

  • Appetite
  • Digestion
  • Metabolism
  • Chronic pain
  • Inflammation
  • Immune system responses
  • Mood
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Motor control
  • Sleep
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Muscle formation
  • Bone growth
  • Liver function
  • Reproductive system
  • Stress
  • Skin and nerve function

Current research backs the theory that a deficiency in endocannabinoids — or an ECS that isn’t working correctly — could play a role in many health problems, including ones that we don’t know the cause of, like migraines or fibromyalgia.

Why does this matter?

We still don’t know much about the ECS or how it works, but studies show there’s great therapeutic potential in how cannabinoids interact with it.

There are over 140 phytocannabinoids in cannabis, most untested. Cannabinoids affect the ECS in one way or another. Many of them, like THC, delta 8, and delta 10, bind to receptors.

CBD doesn’t bind to receptors but interacts with them somehow (still undetermined).

Tapping into this resource might vastly improve people’s lives.

To summarize, the main difference in how CBD and delta 10 THC work comes down to the action at the ECS receptors. Delta 10 activates them while CBD merely “modulates” them — which makes our existing endocannabinoids more effective at doing their job.


Even minor cannabinoids can make a big difference. There’s very little research on delta 10 specifically, but it binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors just like delta 8 and delta 9.

These receptors run throughout the body, but CB1 receptors are primarily found in the central nervous system, while the CB2 receptors are mainly in the immune system. By binding to the CB1 receptors, these cannabinoids cause physical and mental changes that we call a “high.”

The research is still out on what else this binding might do.


CBD and THC have an interesting relationship — CBD is like the responsible friend that keeps THC from being too crazy.

There’s a theory (called the entourage effect) that cannabinoids and terpenes work better together by boosting and altering each other’s effects, but this seems more pronounced with CBD and THC.

CBD might minimize the psychoactive effects of THC, reduce the emotions and anxiety common with its use, and boost its therapeutic properties.

As mentioned, CBD doesn’t seem to bind to the ECS receptors unless there’s one we haven’t discovered yet. It influences them somehow, possibly by preventing them from breaking down, but researchers haven’t determined for sure.

CBD is quickly absorbed and easily passes the blood-brain barrier, the part of the brain that protects and regulates its conditions, making it extremely bioavailable.


Researcher Taking Notes About Hemp

Decades of regulations and restrictions made it difficult to study cannabis to any serious degree prior to 2012.

Now we see a snowball effect as more studies take place, and each one reveals something needing an in-depth look.

This section is far from exhaustive, but its purpose is to shed a little light on the potential that might be hiding in cannabinoids.

Plenty of research shows endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids — directly and indirectly — influence the body through the endocannabinoid system. Whether these subtle actions consistently cause noticeable differences or not is yet to be determined.


Delta 10 is relatively new to the scene, so no one knows much about its impact. To get a glimpse of its effects, we have to look at the studies regarding its isomers.

For example, studies show cannabinoids and opioids work similarly in the brainstem circuitry and help modulate RVM neuronal activity, making them act as analgesics. This doesn’t necessarily mean delta 10 alone has these effects, but it certainly shows possibility.

It’s easy to assume delta 10 behaves similarly to delta 9 and that we can apply what we know, at least for now.

Delta 9 seems to reduce nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, increases appetite, and might relieve pain in some conditions. However, it also has many side effects like anxiety, disconnected thoughts, impaired physical and mental capacity, and perception changes.

While Delta 9’s psychoactivity makes it popular for recreational use, many people want to treat their pain or nausea and still function as usual. Delta 8 and delta 10 could be a great way to treat issues without rendering the user incapacitated.


CBD has been around longer and is easier to extract, so more research is available. Here’s just a few of them:


CBD has shown neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties in some studies. More specifically, it seems to reduce neuroinflammatory responses, encourage neurogenesis, and reverse and prevent cognitive deficits.

It also appears to increase the levels of adenosine in the brain, something that could be helpful in recovery after brain injury; high levels of adenosine are linked to decreased inflammation and neuroprotection after this kind of trauma.

The FDA recently approved a drug called Epidolex — which is a CBD-based medicine used to treat rare forms of epilepsy.


CBD, or combining CBD and THC, could be a safe way to treat certain psychiatric conditions and neurological diseases.

Antipsychotic drugs act by antagonizing dopamine receptors. Research shows that because CBD doesn’t rely on dopamine receptors, it could be a way to help manage schizophrenia when it doesn’t respond to traditional medications.

Many studies link increased hippocampus activity to anxiety and OCD. CBD seems to control activity in the limbic areas of the brain (where the hippocampus is).


Though studies aren’t clear how it might work, topical CBD products might help improve eczema, psoriasis, and other inflammatory skin diseases and possibly reduce melanoma cell growth.


Overall, cannabis products have been proven safe time and time again — but that doesn’t mean the plant or its derivatives are without side effects.


THC is well-tolerated, even with adverse effects like anxiety and lethargy. Delta 10, since it’s so much milder than THC, has similar effects but to a much lesser degree.

The most common side effects of delta 10 THC include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Red eyes
  • Increased appetite
  • Psychoactivity


CBD rarely causes an issue for people, has low toxicity and raises very few safety concerns.

The most common side effects of CBD include:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss or gain


Hand Holding Hemp Oil With Hemp Plants Background

There are many ways to take delta 10 and CBD, but CBD has even more options.

The most common ways to take them are gummies or other edibles, vapes, or tinctures; some companies offer a wide selection of products and flavors for each of these categories.

You can even find CBD gum, CBD chocolate, or CBD cigarettes.

When deciding how much to take, your tolerance, weight, delivery method, and comfort with these products all come into play. You also need to consider hydration, if you’ve eaten, and what responsibilities you have to fulfill (for example, driving, working, or taking care of small children).

It’s always best to start low and increase the amount as needed.

Interestingly, delta 10 and CBD have identical doses (for most people). The threshold dose (minimum dose before effects are noticed) is around 10 mg. Most people take between 20 and 30 mg, but some prefer high doses up to 100 mg.


  • Low dose: 10 mg – 20 mg
  • Medium dose: 20 mg – 50 mg
  • High dose: 50 mg – 100 mg


  • Low dose: 10 – 20 mg
  • Medium dose: 20 – 50 mg
  • High dose: 50 mg – 100 mg


Both CBD and delta 10 THC can be made from hemp and are therefore legal as per the federal US government.

However, some local state laws contradict this and have moved to ban psychoactive hemp derivatives, including delta 10 THC.

It’s more likely that CBD is legal where you live than delta 10.


Current drug tests cannot differentiate between THCs, so delta 10 will more than likely cause you to fail a drug test.

CBD usually won’t unless cause users to fail a drug test unless there’s more THC than legally allowed — something that doesn’t happen very often, but theoretically possible.

This is yet another reason to check lab reports. The best tests show how much THC (and other cannabinoids) are in the final product.

Related: Will delta 8 or delta 10 THC make me fail a drug test?


Chances are, you can find CBD about anywhere. Delta 10 is harder to find but should become more abundant as demand continues to increase.

This brings a host of problems since neither supplement is regulated by the FDA. Anyone can produce and sell these products, and they usually lack quality and potency — they can even be dangerous.

You might find either one sitting on a gas station or corner store shelf or come across a website offering a free trial, but there are a few things to look for before buying anything.


Third-party lab tests are the only to know that a delta 10 or CBD product is safe and has the amounts listed. Without these tests, manufacturers can claim whatever they want. This puts your safety — and wallet — at risk.

There are many solid, reputable vendors online, making this an unnecessary risk.


These cannabinoids serve a different purpose, many of which we’re still learning about.

Luckily, we don’t have to choose one or the other and might get better results by combining them.

If you’re looking to try them, do so separately at first; just remember, CBD is more relaxing while delta 10 is more energizing, and always look for third-party lab results.

References Used

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